New Music, New Merch, Live Shows & Contests!

 So many of you loved my fast, hot summer song, "Livin' In The USA" I've decided to record it - but I don't have much time as the summer is half over... so, I've put together my BEST REWARDS EVER to make this happen.  Also, for the first 24 hours - starting NOW - I will add a BONUS surprise for each donation.  CLICK HERE TO DONATE.

But wait, there's more!  haha!  (You ever seen those commercials... ;) I've also got NEW T-shirts that are available ONLY until I reach my Crowdfunding goal so if you want one, you'd better grab it fast.  For those of you who donate $75 - ya get one for your donation.  CLICK HERE TO GRAB T-SHIRT.

I'm also starting my live shows again as well as weekly contests, and will be sending an email soon about that but I just wanted to get this out ASAP.

I hope you enjoy the content I put out.  If you have any requests or songwriting ideas, I'd love to hear them.  

God bless you today and always and God bless our great country!

Lady Redneck

PS. If you're on IG, TikTok, LinkedIn or any other social


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