Hunting Boots - My New Single

Hunting Boots

I am just getting ready to officially release my new single, "Hunting Boots!" For all of you who know me, ya know I like to write my own music.  The music screams my personality and you can see into my crazy, fairy-tale soul.

This is one I wrote two weeks ago that I think many people can relate to.  It may not be hunting in your case, but more than likely you'll be able to relate to this song in one way or another.

The song starts out talking about, very sweetly, about how if I spent as much money as he did on hunting and fishing I could have a new purse, diamond earrings, new clothes, etc. but that it didn't matter because I loved him so much I just want him to be happy.

The second verse is about how when he tells me how much it's going to cost for a hunting trip, he only includes the cost of the hunt.  The hunt may be $300, but he FORGETS to mention the license, lodging, gear he needs for the hunt, ammo, gas... then it may be more like $1500. ;)  I compare it to me telling him that, "I only bought shoes," but didn't mention I'd spent the rest of the day going to the salon, the spa and lunch- which once again may be considerably more than the shoes. ;)

The last verse is hilarious, and this one definitely relates more to the hunting crowd here... I talk about how much our meat that he gets from hunting REALLY costs.  I compare it to flying to Japan and eating Kobe beef!!  haha!!!

The message of the song is that it doesn't really matter.  I'm not oblivious to it, though he may think I am ;), but that I love him so much I don't care!!

This may be you with golf, biking, music... whatever is "your thang."  

HERE IS A LINK TO MY SONG.  I HOPE YOU LOVE IT:  Hunting Boots - scroll to the bottom of list

Also, I've included the words here if you'd like to read them.

Hunting Boots by Stephanie Lee

Baby, if I spent as much money as you on hunting and fishing,
I'd have a Juicy purse and would never be missing,
The right pair of shoes with an outfit for fall
Hmm... diamond earrings or a buck on the wall?

CHORUS: Good thing I'm not the kind of girl to complain about that,
I just say, "Okay baby, see ya when ya get back."
Because all I wanna do is make ya happy.  Yeah, it's sweet... and kinda sappy
But you're my man and I think you're so cute
Coming home all muddy (to me) in your hunting boots!

When you tell me the hunt cost you only give me the base,
Not the gear, license, lodge and gas to that place.
It's like me telling you, "I only bought shoes."
And didn't mention the salon, the spa, and lunch too.

CHORUS: Good thing I'm not the kind of girl to complain about that,
I just say, "Okay baby, see ya when ya get back."
Because all I wanna do is make ya happy.  Yeah, it's sweet... and kinda sappy
But you're my man and I think you're so cute
Coming home all muddy (to me) in your hunting boots!

Our walls are decorated with an animal or two,
And though it isn't my style I must really love you.
With the cost of deer meat, I free in the pan
We could be eating Kobe beef and even fly to Japan.

CHORUS: Good thing I'm not the kind of girl to complain about that,
I just say, "Okay baby, see ya when ya get back."
Because all I wanna do is make ya happy.  Yeah, it's sweet... and kinda sappy
But you're my man and I think you're so cute
Coming home all muddy (to me) in your hunting boots!

CHORUS: Good thing I'm not the kind of girl to complain about that,
I just say, "Okay baby, see ya when ya get back."
But when you come home, I have a surprise or two,
You'll love to see what I'm wearing for you.
But you're my man and I think you're so cute
Coming home all muddy (to me) in your hunting boots!


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